Bible verses about God’s goodness were probably not going through your mind when you got your diagnosis. And understandably so. In those moments, and even long afterward, we can wrestle with the why and the why me? We wonder what we did (or didn’t do) to end up with this disease. And we try to process how a good God can allow things like this to happen.
But the cloud of the diagnosis lifts over time. We can start to see that God is still good, as time goes on and prayers are lifted. The goodness of God permeates all our situations, both the good and the not so good. Romans 8:28 tells us He works through anything and uses it for our good. Even if we don’t see His wonderful works at the time, we know God is still at work.

Bible Verses About God’s Goodness
I’ve put together a 24-day Bible reading plan to remind us all of God’s goodness. (You can download that below.) Because, even after 30+ years with diabetes, I can still have those kinds of questions and doubts. Having a chronic illness can wear me out. Managing a disease every day can be exhausting. And I need to be reminded that, through it all, He is still good.
But before we get to this Bible reading plan that will walk us through one of the Psalms every day for more than three weeks, let’s talk more practically about the idea that God can still be good through really challenging things. God’s greatness doesn’t go away when we hit a struggle. Because sometimes it’s just hard to think that way.
God’s Goodness Doesn’t Change
This idea of God’s goodness in general takes me back to the book of James. But, then again, most situations in life take me back to the book of James. It’s probably my favorite book of the entire Bible, outside of the gospels that tell of the life of Jesus Christ.
James 1:17 reads, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

The Father of Lights never changes. He doesn’t bend and lean with time or culture. Or with a diagnosis. He is who He says He is. That in itself, along with all the good things we have, are gifts from God.
It can be hard sometimes to separate our lives from the idea that we have diabetes every hour of every day, but we have to remember that diabetes isn’t our identity. God gives us gifts that have nothing to do with this chronic illness. It’s not because of our good works, but because of His unfailing love. And having a chronic illness doesn’t take away from those good gifts from our Heavenly Father.
Practically speaking, I find it helpful to remind myself of the riches of God’s kindness by practicing gratitude. I keep a gratitude journal from time to time. And our family keeps a “joy jar” to review at the start of each year to remember, celebrate, and give thanks. Doing these things helps to take my focus off myself and this disease, and refocus my thoughts on God and His abundant mercy instead.
Slowing Down Helps us See God’s Goodness
Not long ago, I wrote a blog post about the importance of rest. And before that, my co-blogger wrote about the need to slow down. Those are both packed with great insight. Slowing down can help us see the goodness of God more clearly.
When we slow down we notice the simpler things we often take for granted when we are feeling rushed. We enjoy the sun rise or the birds chirping, God’s promises of new life in the spring. And those kinds of things feed our souls because God creates all those things. His goodness is all over creation. His kindness is everywhere we look.
More Bible Verses About God’s Goodness
After considering this verse in James, I’m reminded of Romans 12:2 that says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
The renewal of your mind is needed to see that God’s goodness and kindness are still possible in the face of a diagnosis. This renewing happens when we connect with God through His word and prayer. By taking our minds off ourselves and focusing on our Creator God, our minds will be renewed. So He aligns our thoughts.

That same verse above continues by saying, “By testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (English Standard Version). By being in God’s Word and connecting with Him, we are then able to know God’s plan for us. Isn’t that beautiful? Even through a chronic illness like diabetes, God still has a plan for me. And He has one for you, too.
Bible reading and time in prayer is simply vital to being renewed. This is how we hear from God as the Holy Spirit is at work. My own story is a perfect example. It wasn’t until I was doing an online Bible reading plan with my husband and his sister that the idea for this entire website and my book came to me. This shifted my view of diabetes entirely and forever. It’s a wonderful story of a good gift from God, and you can read about it in my blog post called I Never Planned to Write a Diabetes Book.

Stories of the Goodness of God in the Bible
You can certainly read several parts of the Bible and learn of the goodness of God. There is story after story of God’s great love and redemption of His people (even though they turn away from him time after time). Just off the top, I think of some of the big ones. Moses, for example, and the delivery of the children of Israel from Egyptian slavery. I think of God’s protection over Daniel in the lion’s den. Then there’s the incredible story of Joseph that comes to mind, too. There were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. And that’s just the Old Testament!
These are incredible acts of rescue by our loving God. But in each of these examples, He didn’t remove the hardship. Moses still faced Pharoah in leading God’s people out of Egypt. And it took a miracle to free them for good. Daniel was still put into the den with live (likely very hungry) lions. And Joseph? The poor man spent years of hardship in jail accused of something he didn’t do. And those three Jewish boys still had to face the fiery furnace.
I say this because it’s a perfect illustration of how God works for the good of those who love Him — even through hardship. That seems to be His specialty! God knows we don’t grow in our faith while we’re sitting in our comfort zones. We grow when we depend on Him most.
Why Read only Psalms in these Bible verses About God’s Goodness?
With all these incredible stories, you may be asking why I chose the book of Psalms for this reading plan. Honestly, King David gets right to the heart of the matter. There is evidence of God’s work throughout David’s life. Time and again, through trial after trial. And that’s the very reason I chose the Psalms. I believe King David’s Psalms are some of the most beautiful, humble, worship-filled, verses of praise in the Bible. You can just sense the fruit of the spirit in his life through his words.
Plus, I love the perspective of the Psalms. Even through the trials, God is good and He is worthy of praise. I love to return to the Psalms for encouragement, and I hope you will too.

Why is Daily Bible Reading Important?
The daily discipline of Bible reading is key to a Christian faith. It’s one of the ways we can hear from God as the Holy Spirit is at work through the Word of God as we read. This is how we renew our minds.
So, for the next 24 days, will you join me in reading through the Psalms and refocusing and renewing our minds?
HOW CAN I USE THIS Free Reading Plan Printable?
There are several ways to use this Bible reading plan about God’s faithfulness and goodness. Here are a few ideas:
You can read together as a family for each of the Bible verses about God’s goodness together. You can invite the kids to join you, or they can read parts of the scriptures and discuss it with you further.
If you are involved in a life group or small group, you could do this reading plan together. Reading a plan like this as a group can keep you connected while you’re apart during the week for your Bible study. Consider texting thoughts with each other as you read. Feel free to share this post with your group members and invite them to join you.
This reading plan is a good one to follow in your own daily quiet time. So if you’re flying solo, consider reading through each chapter in different translations or read through a trusted commentary. (I often turn to Enduring Word.) Or you can journal your thoughts, too

What is included in this Bible Reading Plan Download?
This free download includes a free 24-day reading plan through the book of Psalms to help us focus on the goodness of the Lord through our day-to-day struggles. It also has a free bookmark with a verse from Psalm 19 that you can print and use as you read.
MORE Bible Reading Plans
In addition to these Bible verses about God’s goodness, here are our best Bible reading plans in case you’d like to browse other topics and ideas for your quiet time. They’re all free instant downloads, and they all come with a bookmark you can print out and use as you read.
- New Testament Plan: This plan helps you read through the entire New Testament of the Bible in one year.
- Overcoming Anxiety and Worry: a 10-day plan to focus on God’s Word to combat anxiety and worry.
- From Chaos to Peace: This two-week plan will help you discover how to recapture peace when it can seem like a fleeting thought when managing diabetes every day.
- Renewing Your Hope: Our hope can be lost pretty easily. Read through this 10-day plan to learn more about renewing your hope.
- Reclaiming Your Identity in Christ: This 10-day Bible reading plan can help us reclaim our identity in Christ.
- Finding God in Isolation: What do we do when we feel isolated? Learn more in this two-week reading plan download.
- A Thankful Heart: Living with the struggles of a chronic illness can make it more challenging to have a thankful heart. Here’s how to continue to be grateful in a 30-day reading plan.
- Advent Reading Plan: In this advent plan, we will read of shepherds, angels, miracles, and prophecy fulfilled. Use this month-long plan to prepare your heart for the Christmas season.
One of My Favorite Psalms of God’s Goodness
Before we turn to prayer, can we review one of my absolute favorite Psalms? Psalm 23 is one of the Psalms I turn to for comfort, but also for encouragement and to see God’s goodness.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
A PRAYER Before We Start these Bible Verses About God’s Goodness
And now for a short prayer before we get started reading:
Heavenly Father, thank You that You work good through such things as chronic illness. Thank You that our struggles in this life are not for nothing, but that You use them as opportunities to help us grow. Help my longing soul that desperately wants a break from this disease to find strength and endurance in You. O Lord God, thank You for sending Your Son Christ Jesus to create a way for us to return to You and have eternal life with You. Until then, may I continue to seek You and Your goodness all the days of my life. Amen.
DOWNLOAD THE PLAN of Bible Verses About God’s Goodness
I’m so glad you are interested in downloading this plan full of Bible verses about God’s goodness. Thank you for downloading, and please do let me know the impact it has on your life. I would love to hear from you!
If you want more reading plans and devotions, please join my VIP list and follow along on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram for the latest updates.