Consider yourself officially invited to join me in an Advent Bible reading plan through the Bible that will bring us all the great joy of Jesus this Advent season.
We will read through God’s Word about angels and wise men, of miracles and prophecy fulfilled. This Advent plan will help us focus on preparing our hearts for this Christmas season and celebrating Christ’s birth. It will be here soon! Will you join along?

The season leading up to Christmas in our world today can be a hectic time. The cooking and baking, the lights, the decorations, the shopping and gift giving, the travel… All the Christmas festivities can take much of our time and effort. The hustle and bustle of holiday activities seems to never slow down until it’s all over.
But the season of Advent invites us to slow down from the busyness of the season. We should contemplate the unfolding story of the birth of Jesus. And we should meditate on the wonders of how it all came to be so that our hearts are prepared for Christmas when it arrives. It helps us focus on the true reason for the season above all — our coming Messiah.
What is Advent anyway?
Without getting too far into history and meaning, the word “Advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, which means “coming or arrival.” Advent is simply a time of waiting expectantly with great anticipation. And Christmas is certainly a time of expectant waiting for Christians anticipating the celebration of the birth of Christ.
As far as the Advent calendar goes, it starts the 4th Sunday before Christmas (also known as Advent Sunday or the First Sunday of Advent). Advent spans the month of December and officially ends on Christmas Eve.

In this plan we will read through several books of the Bible including passages in both the Old Testament and New Testament. Our daily bible readings will include verses in Isaiah, the gospel of Luke and of Matthew, the Psalms, and more to uncover how the prophecies of old were fulfilled. We will read daily leading up to the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, our promised Messiah.
We will read of the preparation leading up to Jesus’ birth. And we will remember the lowly shepherds and the angels sent to them to declare the good news of great joy. We will recall the fulfillment of God’s promises in Jesus. Then we will slow down to consider what this means for you and I today.
We will read starting December 1st and continue through December 31st in our daily readings. When you download the plan (below), you will get a Great Joy bookmark with a verse on it to print and trim down to use while you read. Plus, you will get the Advent Bible reading plan listed day by day on an 8.5×11.
Feel free to print and use the plan and mark off your days as you go. Or you can take a photo of the reading plan and keep it in your phone. Refer to it each day, and simply read the verses listed for that date in December.

How Can I Use This Advent Bible Reading Plan?
There are several ways to use this Advent reading plan. Here are a few ideas:
You can join our family in reading each of the days’ scripture passages together. We have a family tradition to read and discuss most days during dinner time around the table. But feel free to read when it works for your family. Snuggle up around the Christmas tree with your coffee or hot tea and read about the true meaning of Christmas together.
Are you involved in a life group or small group? Are you a part of a Sunday School class or Bible study group? With this busy Christmas season, many groups will take a break during holidays. But reading this plan as an Advent study for your group can keep you connected while you’re apart. Consider texting thoughts with each other as you go along. Just share this post with your group to invite them to join you.
This is a great reading plan to follow in your daily quiet time. If you’re flying solo, then consider reading through each of the daily scripture readings in multiple translations or scripture journaling as you go. Perhaps you would like to write down your Advent reflections in short summaries to review next year.

Other Advent Family Traditions
We have so many advent family traditions at our house, and I am happy to share some with you. Perhaps they will encourage you to slow down and spend time with those you love and enjoy the season.
We have young children, so we LOVE to watch Christmas movies. We watch everything from the original Rudolph and Frosty made in the 1960s to Home Alone and Elf. Sometimes we will have a themed dinner together as we watch, and the kids really love that.
Another tradition we have is to drive around and look at Christmas lights and other decorations. There’s a house nearby that goes crazy with the lights and sets it all to music, so that’s a must-visit each year. But time in the car talking and listening to music and just being together is the best.
Something my husband and I instituted when the kids were really little was how we decided on their Christmas gifts. We are not the people who buy lavish gift after lavish gift for everyone. We are a bit more practical and budget conscious than that. So we decided to purchase three gifts for the kids — a want, a need, and a read. We modeled it after the three gifts the wisemen brought to Jesus, and it’s worked out super well for us.
We also love to watch Buck Denver Asks… Why Do We Call It Christmas? This is an absolutely amazing show that unravels all the confusion about secular Christmas and sacred Christmas. (You may be surprised just how connected they are!) Our children love it, and it’s super cute and funny. But even as an adult, I feel like I learn something new and fascinating every year.
What family traditions do you keep?

So back to the reading plan. I simply cannot wait to go through this reading plan with my family this year. We start on December 1. And I’m excited to invite you and your friends and family along on this journey through Advent readings about the Christmas story of Jesus.
Christmas will be here before you know it! Don’t let the busyness of the Christmas season get in the way of remembering the reason for the season. Don’t let another Christmas Day go by without focusing on Christ.
This reading plan is a great way to anticipate this special season of Christmas. So download your plan today! Merry Christmas!
What’s Next?
If you’ve enjoyed this reading plan, would you please let me know? I would love to hear from you!
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