Playing the blame game helps us surround the situation with control. It makes us think we have a handle on the problem. But it doesn’t work.
25 Powerful Morning Prayers to Start Your Day Well
Starting your day with powerful morning prayer is the perfect way focus on God. Here are 25 samples of morning prayer you can pray today!
Goodnight Blessings and Prayers to Pray Before Bed
Goodnight blessings and prayers are one of my favorite ways to end a day. Here are some examples to consider as you end the day in prayer.
How are you Doing? How are You Really, Truly Doing?
It’s a common questions we are asked by others: how are you doing? But God may be working through the person asking that question to you.
How to Build Self Control to Improve Diabetes Management
Self control is vital with diabetes, and it’s something God has given us. But how do we build self control? Here are five practical tips.
Are you Like a Frog?
Are you like a frog? If you plunge a frog into boiling water it will jump out of the pot. Did you know this? Diabetes is a bit the same way.
What I’ve Learned from Living 32 Years of Life with Diabetes
This month marks 32 years of life with diabetes. Here are some encouragement from the lessons I’ve learned through it all.
Dandelions and Sticker Bushes: Managing Blood Sugar Levels in the Weeds
Managing blood sugar levels can make us feel stuck in the weeds. We don’t always know what causes the highs and lows. So what do we do?
5 Ways to Overcome Jealousy and Health Envy from Diabetes
Do you feel jealous of others without a chronic illness? Here are 5 ways to overcome health envy from a chronic illness.
Is it Worth the Time Diabetes Takes to Manage it?
How would you answer this question: is it worth the time diabetes takes? Let’s take a more big picture view. What is worth our time?
Prayer for Diabetes: A Different Kind of Healing
A web search for “prayer for diabetes” will quickly send you on a wild goose chase for cures and diabetic healing. But God has more for us.
The Habits we Keep and a New Circle Habit Tracker Printable
A circle habit tracker printable can be used to track your habits in any are of life. It may give you some insight into the habits you keep.
All references to scripture are quoted in NIV unless otherwise noted.