How are you Doing? How are You Really, Truly Doing?

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by Brandy Davenport

It is one of the most common questions we get asked by others: how are you doing? We respond with something like, “Oh I’m good. Busy, but good.” 

Now this may very well be a true statement, and we think this person can’t possibly really want to hear how we’re doing. Right? 

How Are You Doing? The Importance of Community

How Are You Doing?

Because my son has diabetes, the other question I get a lot is this: how is your son doing?

Although this is a nice sentiment, I would always think to myself, “He is good, but I’m a mess. I take better care of him than I take care of myself. He’s the healthiest diabetic I’ve ever seen!”

Enter humility. 

What is actually going on?

What is really at play here is two fold:

  • One, as Christians, we have a hard time letting people in on how we are struggling. Most often this is for fear of what they might think of us. 
  • Two, we think no one could possibly understand what we are going through.

As a new diabetic mom, and even now as a 7 year veteran, there have been many times I should have been more forthcoming on how I was really doing.

Our Need for Community

Just as Jesus walks with us, we need other Christians alongside for support as well. Opening up may be hard at first, but God will bring just what you need to hear just when you need to hear it.

Our society paints this pretty picture that everything is roses, but in reality we need help. Sometimes the Lord sends that help in the form of a simple question of, “How are you doing?” Our job is to answer truthfully.

two ladies sitting on a porch swing

How We See Community in the Bible

We see this honesty poured out in the story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1. Hannah was the  wife of Elkanah, and she desperately wanted a son. She would weep and her husband would ask her, “Hannah why are you weeping? Why don’t you eat? Why are you down hearted?”

Later, as she was praying, a priest named Eli observed her praying in her heart but didn’t see her lips moving. Eli thought for sure she was drunk, and asked “How long are your going to stay drunk? Put away your wine.” 

Hannah finally revealed the truth. “I am a woman who is deeply troubled,” she said. “I have not been drinking wine nor beer.” And Eli graciously said, “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him” (1 Samuel 1:17).

What this Story Teaches Us

This story is such a good reminder that although we pray to God we also need other believers to walk along side us. We are to seek wise counsel and to tell others the truth. By doing so we not only help ourselves but we may just be helping others by being vulnerable.

That is what this diabetic community is all about. Revealing to others our true hearts and what we struggle with. God is the only answer and sometimes that answer comes through His vessel’s question of, “how are you really doing?”

Everlasting Father, we come to You in prayer and ask You to open our hearts not only to You, but to others You send to care for us. We can get so private with our struggles that we miss the person right in front of us who wants to help us. Please expose these areas in our lives so they can be nurtured and lifted up by others. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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How Are You Doing? The Importance of Community

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