Reading books for diabetes is such a great way to learn from others. We can connect through personal diabetes experiences. People can pass along their wisdom, lifestyle changes, and best practices. We can learn the tips and tricks others have used for good blood sugar management and better diabetes care.
Plus, reading is such a great hobby. Can we ever have too many books?

About these Best Books for Diabetes
In this list of best books for diabetes management, I will cover my top ten recommendations. I will also provide links to these online resources for more information and easy purchasing. And I will also let you know what subset of people with diabetes each resource is suited for. There will be something for everyone — type 1, type 2, newly diagnosed, diabetes veterans, and parents of kids with diabetes.
Until there is a cure and an end of diabetes, we can at least learn from one another and try our best to manage this condition. So let’s take a look at some great resources to help us do just that:
(FYI – These are in alphabetical order by title, instead of being in a personal ranking of any sort. They are all amazing for different reasons!)
1. Bright Spots & Landmines

GOOD FOR: type 1, type 2, newly diagnosed, diabetes veteran, parents of kids with diabetes
The subtitle of this book says it all: “The Diabetes Guide I Wish Someone Had Handed Me.”
In this practical guide, Adam Brown, who was diagnosed with diabetes in 2001, summarizes his journey with diabetes. Published in 2017, this first book of his has sold more than 300,000 copies/downloads to date.
What I love most about this essential diabetes book is that it has a similar focus to the positive mission of the Devotions on Diabetes blog site and resources: while focusing on the issues and negative side of diabetes (“landmines”), you can miss the “bright spots” that come along.
This complete guide offers practical advice about food, exercise, sleep and other real-life everyday happenings. There are questions, tips, shortcuts, and more. It’s full of first-hand diabetes advice from someone who has been there and “gets it.”
This is a great read for someone who has recently experienced a diabetes diagnosis, or someone who has experienced burnout and needs some encouragement.
2. Dealing with Diabetes Burnout

GOOD FOR: type 1, type 2, diabetes veteran, parents of kids with diabetes
Although this book was written almost 10 years ago at this point, I wonder if it isn’t more relevant today than it was then. I believe we are more burnt out in general now. And dealing with one of the chronic diseases that is with us 24/7 certainly doesn’t help.
You may initially think reading a book on burnout might make you feel depressed and guilty. But not this one. Ginger Vieira is a lively and positive spirit who has a load of experience and good sense of humor as well. Focused on helping you recharge, she will also help you see the positive and the opportunities ahead of you.
Learn practical tips like realistic goal setting, how to make living with diabetes easier, how you can ditch the guilt and shame, and more.
3. Devotions on Diabetes

GOOD FOR: type 1, type 2, newly diagnosed diabetes veteran, parents of kids with diabetes
I would be pretty silly not to mention my own book here in a list of diabetes books. But it’s not because I wrote it myself. It’s because there isn’t another book like it. At least not one I can find. (Please tell me if I am missing it somewhere!)
I never planned on writing a book about diabetes (you can read that story here). But after 30 years of living with type 1, I knew I needed to. There was not a book I could find that connected diabetes and faith like I knew this book would.
As much as we need our insulin pumps and carb counting and checking blood glucose levels for our physical health, we need this for our spiritual health. It’s just so important to leading an all-around healthy life.
Through this 30-day devotional journey, you will see that even in the face of a chronic illness like diabetes, God is still good and we can be anchored in Him through it all.
4. Diabetes Sucks And You can Handle it

GOOD FOR: type 1, newly diagnosed, diabetes veteran, parents of kids with diabetes
I love the insight we can get from health professionals who also have type 1. These people just see things from a 360-degree view, and that can be so helpful. That’s exactly what best-selling author Dr. Mark Heyman‘s book is.
When he was first diagnosed with diabetes in 1999, he came to understand the unique mental health challenges of people with type 1. His book is one way he is trying to make sure everyone has the support they need in this area.
Much like the burnout book above (#2), Dr. Heyman believes diabetes can be even more of a challenge when you believe you can’t handle the stresses of diabetes.
In his book, he explains how diabetes is easier to handle once you accept that it’s an awful chronic disease, and you believe you can handle it. This book was written to share stores and provide tools to help anyone struggling with the mental stresses of diabetes.
Catch Dr. Heyman on an episode of the podcast Type 1 in Midlife HERE where he talks about anxiety, depression, and conquering our fears.
5. Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution

GOOD FOR: type 1, type 2, newly diagnosed, diabetes veteran
Here’s another doctor with type 1 who has taken to writing about diabetes. And in this case, it’s specific to blood sugar control and focusing on healthy weight, healthy eating, and a low carbohydrate eating patterns.
Originally published in 1997, “Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution” is now on its fourth edition. It offers 50 recipes and food lists, in addition to guidance on controlling blood sugar levels, insulin resistance, diet, physical exercise, diabetes tech, and more.
He was initially opposed by the American Diabetes Association, but they later changed their position. While I don’t follow a specifically low carb diet myself, many people with diabetes do and this could be one of the helpful diabetes diet books for them.
6. Exercise with Type 1 Diabetes

GOOD FOR: type 1, newly diagnosed, diabetes veteran, parents of kids with diabetes
Physical exercise can be one of the most challenging aspects of living with diabetes. Certain exercises will drop blood sugars, and others will raise blood sugars. The unknown and unpredictable nature of diabetes and exercise can push people to simply give up on physical activity. And we know that’s no good!
As a previously competitive athlete, Ginger Vieira shares in this book from personal diabetes experience with type 1 and exercise. She covers the timing of insulin and working out, how different exercises make different results with your blood glucose.
I have followed several of her recommendations myself. Quite frankly, some of them have been game changers for me. Even after living with diabetes for 30 years I learned so much reading this book!
7. Mommy Beeps

GOOD FOR: type 1, type 2, newly diagnosed, diabetes veteran, parents of kids with diabetes
I’ve included this book in my top ten list because it’s one of my kids’ favorite books. It’s sitting on the bookshelf in my youngest’s room right now. What I love about it most is that it helps normalize the conversation about diabetes with the kids. And it also explains things in kid-friendly ways, in terms they understand.
“Mommy Beeps” was written for children who have a parent, sibling, or other loved ones or family members who have diabetes. This book takes you through a day in the life of someone with diabetes — dealing with highs and lows, waiting for lab results, and visiting the endocrinologist.
What a great conversation starter for the young people in your life. It’s also a great way to introduce the topic of diabetes and explain it in an easily understood way for kids.
8. Still the World’s Worst Diabetes Mom

GOOD FOR: type 1, newly diagnosed, parents of kids with diabetes
This one is for you, moms (and dads)! This is the 2nd book from Stacey Simms in this series. If you don’t already have the first one, it’s HERE for you.
The reason I appreciate these books is that Stacey isn’t aiming for the perfection we all know is illusive. When perfection is our goal, we will always be disappointed with our diabetes management. But she focuses on things like balance, safety, fun, and happiness. Plus, you’ll get a good laugh. And we can all use that!
Stacey’s son was diagnosed with type 1 at the young age of two. So these books share her real-life stories of parenting a child with T1D with honesty and humor. You can also catch Stacey on Instagram or on her award-winning podcast: Diabetes Connections.
9. The Ultimate Guide to Accurate Carb Counting

GOOD FOR: type 1, type 2, newly diagnosed, diabetes veterans, parents of kids with diabetes
These last two books are written by diabetes educator Gary Scheiner, an award-winning CDE and one of the medical professionals who has lived with type 1 since 1985.
It’s awfully challenging to manage diabetes well if we aren’t carb counting accurately. Throughout this comprehensive guide, Scheiner walks through carb counting in a real-world context. He provides explanations and advice throughout the book. Also, he offers simple and advanced techniques as well.
In addition to the main content of this authoritative guide, Scheiner provides a complete and thorough listing of exchanges, carb factors, and glycemic index and fiber values for 2,500 foods.
10. Think Like a Pancreas

GOOD FOR: type 1, type 2, newly diagnosed, diabetes veterans, parents of kids with diabetes
In this book on insulin therapy for the medical management of type 1 diabetes, Gary Scheiner shares from his own experiences with diagnosis and insulin dosing and blood sugar testing. He covers three keys to control, basal insulin and bolus insulin concepts, treating high and low blood sugars, and then provides an entire chapter of resources.
This 3rd edition is the latest edition (the 2nd edition came out in 2010) and it has since been updated with the most recent in technology with various insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitors, and best practices information.
This book is a wonderful basics reminder for those who are diabetes veterans, but also an incredible resource for someone who was just diagnosed. In case you know of someone in particular, this book would make a great gift.
BONUS: TYPE 1 DIABETES One Day at a Time

GOOD FOR: type 1, newly diagnosed, parents of kids with diabetes, diabetes veterans
In his first book, Neil Greathouse takes us to the foundation of type 1 diabetes. As a trusted leader in the diabetes community, he provides incredible insights for those just diagnosed, or for parents of newly diagnosed kids. It’s also an amazing refresher (full of things you may not know or understand) for those who have lived with type 1 for a while.
The encouragement you will find in this book is unmatched. Neil just has a way being authentic and transparent in his attempt to both educate and empower those reading his book. This would make a wonderful gift for someone just diagnosed as well. And if this is his first of his books for diabetes, I can’t wait for the next one! In the meantime, catch Neil on Instagram @thebetes.
Have You Read These Books for Diabetes?
In case you’ve read any of these resources from people with type 1 and other health care professionals, would you please let me know? I’d love to hear from you. Also, what other books for diabetes would you add to the list?
If you want more diabetic friendly blog posts, devotions, and recipes, please join my VIP list and follow along on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram for the latest updates.
This is not medical advice. Please consult your diabetes educator, dietician, or endocrinologist for further guidance.
Looking for more?
What Book I’ll Be Reading Next
In case you’d like to join me in what I’m reading next, I will be starting “Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands” by Paul David Tripp. I’ll be reading with my dear friend and co-blogger Brandy. We’ll read a chapter a week starting in the new year.
Although this isn’t a book about diabetes specifically, it is a book about people helping other people. Brandy and I love to read together, and we primarily read Christian literature to encourage and challenge us as we grow in our faith walk and our journeys with diabetes.
What Christian books are your favorite? I’d love to know!


Looking for a way to count your carbs easily? Look no further…
I love how this template makes counting the carbs SO easy. You literally list the total grams of carbohydrates from each ingredient, total it at the bottom, and divide by the number of servings. Voila!
This recipe template walks you through every step. And you can keep it for future reference. Just calculate it once and you’re done!
Check my Etsy store for an instant download that includes a cover page, section header pages for different kinds of recipes, and this recipe template.