Reading books for diabetes is such a great way to learn from others. We can connect through personal diabetes experiences. People can pass along their wisdom, lifestyle changes, and best practices. We can learn the tips and tricks others have used for good blood sugar...
Thinking of healthy and delicious diabetic snacks for kids can sometimes be a challenge. If you’re anything like me, you can also get in a rut and make the same things over and over. But maybe all we need is some inspiration and the right foods to create some...
I’ve had the privilege of knowing Crystal and her mom for a couple years now, since before Crystal was diagnosed with type 1. But it’s coming up on a year with diabetes now, so I have checked in with them to see what this first year of a diabetes diagnosis...
BY BRANDY DAVENPORT, CO-BLOGGER Ahhhhh… summer. The ups and downs of a changing schedule. Don’t fret — school is right around the corner. That’s music to many moms’ ears, but not so much for my son. Each season comes with its own set...
I remember diabetes at school. Being diagnosed shortly after I turned 12, I went through my middle school and high school years managing diabetes. I remember carrying a bright purple Caboodle (do you remember those things? Turns out, they’re still a thing!) with...