by Brandy Davenport
Are you like a frog? It may be a strange question, but there’s a reason I ask. Let me explain.
If you plunge a frog into boiling water to cook it, it will immediately jump out of the pot. However, if you place the frog in the water at room temperature and slowly heat to boiling, the frog won’t notice and will be slowly cooked! Did you know this?

Are you Like a Frog?
A similar thing can happen with my son’s blood sugars.
Typically, my son won’t feel a low until he’s around 65. However, if he is having an abnormal week and his blood sugars are in a higher range for multiple days, he will then feel low around 100. This is because his body adapts naturally to this higher range, and then responds differently to a low.
The longer he stays at that higher blood sugar level, the more likely he is to want to treat a perceived low too quickly. But if he keeps his blood sugars in a normal range and he goes low, he will feel it right away and treat it accordingly.
Do You Respond Like a Frog?
Do you respond this way, too? If you have had a struggle to keep your blood sugar in target range, do you notice you feel low before you are actually low? Do you respond like a frog? Or have your blood sugars slowly averaged higher and higher, and you don’t notice? Have you lost your sensitivity?

This Scenario as Related to Faith
This scenario of sensitivity also plays out with our sin. We can become desensitized to our everyday “little sins” so to speak. We write them off as not a big deal, or make excuses for our behavior. Until slowly, like the frog, we become used to our sin. And in the end, these sins equal spiritual death.
However, when are walking closely with the Lord, our daily sins should convict us immediately and we should repent and turn! If we do not, it will cause us to stumble and create a wedge between us and our Savior. The Holy Spirit should be our proverbial temperature gauge. And God’s Word should be our guide.
Consider these next two verses:
But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.
James 1:14-15
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?
Jeremiah 17:9
Left to Our Own, We are Like a Frog
Left to on our own we will sit in this slowly boiling water. We are in need of a Savior and must repent daily. Unrepentant sin leads to death and we become the frog. We become complacent in our walk, and can quickly start steering down the wrong path.
Being deep in God’s Word grows our relationship with Christ and helps us feel convicted of our sin right away.

What sin(s) are allowing you to stay in the slowly boiling water?
When sin(s) pop up do you have a repentant heart? Or do you stay living in the water that feels comfortable?
What Can we Do about it?
Going to God in prayer and asking Him to reveal any daily sins or hidden sins is helpful in the repentance process. Let’s do that right now.
Heavenly Father, I can become complacent in my seemingly small sins. I have at times downplayed my sin or become comfortable in it. Please search my heart and bring any unknown sin to the surface so that I can repent and turn. You are a magnificent Father that rejoices when we come to You asking for forgiveness, and You are quick to take us right out of that boiling water. Thank You for Your never ending grace!
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