17 Tricks to Help You Enjoy Halloween with Diabetes
Halloween with diabetes doesn’t have to be scary! Here are 17 tricks to navigating diabetes on Halloween that will help you manage better.
The Fault Line: Our Desire to Play the Blame Game
Playing the blame game helps us surround the situation with control. It makes us think we have a handle on the problem. But it doesn’t work.
Highest Rated Walking Shoes for Diabetic Women
The best diabetic shoes for walking can be challenging to find. But this list of two dozen highly rated walking shoes may hold your answer!
Pre Diabetic Diet Food List: The Best and Worst Foods
Get the five best and five worst foods on the pre diabetic diet food list. Plus five tips to navigate pre diabetes, and a free printable!
25 Powerful Morning Prayers to Start Your Day Well
Starting your day with powerful morning prayer is the perfect way focus on God. Here are 25 samples of morning prayer you can pray today!
Preparing to Manage Type 1 Diabetes at School
As you prepare for school to start, you will need to prepare for diabetes at school as well. Here are several practical tips to help!
Ultimate Diabetic Packing List for Travel with T1D
I haven’t always had a diabetic packing list. But now that I do, packing for a trip is much less stressful. And now you can have it for free!
Goodnight Blessings and Prayers to Pray Before Bed
Goodnight blessings and prayers are one of my favorite ways to end a day. Here are some examples to consider as you end the day in prayer.
How to Plan Easy Diabetic Recipes and Healthy Meals
If you prepare diabetic recipes, you know it takes intentionality. Here’s the best tip that has helped me personally with diabetic recipes.
23 Best Tips for Traveling with Diabetes Safely
Traveling with diabetes can be anxiety inducing. But it doesn’t have to be stressful if we are knowledgeable and prepared. Here are 23 tips!
How are you Doing? How are You Really, Truly Doing?
It’s a common questions we are asked by others: how are you doing? But God may be working through the person asking that question to you.
Best Sugar Free Popsicles and Low Sugar Frozen Treats
There are several choices for the best sugar free popsicles. But how do we choose? And are sugar free options actually what’s best for us?